Wednesday 7 September 2011

Breastfeeding Experience

never in my wildest dreams have i thought that i will breastfeed my kids. during my younger days, breastfeeding wasnt that popular in the philippines (was i just clueless or it wasnt advocated enough then?). my mom only breastfed me and my siblings for a few weeks and we turned out ok. so i thought when i have kids, they'd be bottle fed, as is/was the way of the world.

but when i got pregnant with my eldest, we instantly decided that we'd breastfeed. formula milk was never an option. fortunately for me, there is a very big support for breastfeeding here in the uk. from the midwife, during pregnancy, to the lactation specialist, after birth, to the shops that offer breastfeeding rooms when you're out and about. plus, there are a lot of cool stuff you can buy to make breastfeeding easy, relaxed and fun.

i have been lucky because i never had real problems doing it. my kids latched without a hitch. my milk supply never wavered. generally, it was straightforward. perhaps the only hurdle that came my way was my very strong letdown during the first few weeks of breastfeeding cayden. i just put it down to lack of knowledge, being a first time mom. i know better now, thus with kian, the experience is even easier.
with cayden
with kian
that being said, i would admit, there are times when i think of stopping (yes, i still do - occasionally). they are mostly due to selfish reasons, so i try to push them out of my mind (i cant go out for longer because the baby needs me, it's easier when travelling <they dont like the bottle>, it tires me, nipples hurt from too much sucking, i get bitten, yada yada yada...). i just think of all the benefits they get and the anxiety goes away.

i stopped breastfeeding cayden when he's exactly a year old. it was unintentional. my nipples suddenly got sore, i was really in agony everytime he fed. when they healed, cayden's so used to the bottle (formula) already, he didnt want to breastfeed anymore. even when i offered my breasts, he would squirm and look disgusted with the idea =D

tantan said i should breastfeed kian till he's two. but i dont know. it's definitely easier said than done (though i know a lot of mommies who have done this, even longer!). im being selfish here but i would say my limit is at 1 y/o. firstly, to be fair with cayden, and secondly, i think the 1 year i've dedicated is long enough to protect them as they grow older. besides, they're eating solid food by then and milk will just be a supplement.

breastfeeding is hardwork. it's not easy at all. it requires strong will and dedication to be able to provide your kids with this sustenance. but it's a great feeling too. of being able to give your kids this nourishment and the bond that develops by doing so. all breastfeeding moms (past, present, future - those who decide they'll do it), give yourself a good pat on the back for a job well done!
my kit:
i wanted an ameda pump but it wasnt available here in uk during cayden's time
this helped with my sore nipples (image fr google)
vitamins (i used the same brand for prenatal vits): image fr google
i tried a lot of brands, including washable/reusable ones, but this one is my ultimate must-have



Vera said... Best Blogger Tips

thanks for writing this! :)
i've decided i will breastfeed Jacob so i want to be prepared as much as i can.

QTbelle said... Best Blogger Tips

@Vera hi! happy that you decided to breastfeed. iba talga kasi ung feeling na ikaw bumuhay literally sa baby mo. it protects them a great deal too! basta NEVER give up. dont ever think na you dont have enough milk (if it turns out na kala mo wala ka masyadong milk). law of demand and supply lang yan. just keep on breastfeeding, dadami din ang milk eventually. yan kasi main reason why a lot of moms stop BF. kala nila they dont have enough milk. exhaust all means before giving up.

if you need any help, feel free to contact me =D. saka jeana's BF too! dami support =D

take care and enjoy your pregnancy. mamimiss mo yan =D

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