Thursday 22 September 2011

Thursday Fun

the kids' kindermusik class commenced today. we saw some familiar faces - cayden's former classmates from first term. we changed days/venue in the second term and now back to the original sched and place. it was nice catching up with them, and of course, allison, who handles the classes. it was a bit surreal because during cayden's first term, kian was still in my tummy and now he's participating in the activities. how time flies!
the kit
kian was nonchalant and was just happy chewing on the toys given them. cayden on the otherhand, has really improved on his social skills. in his very first kindermusik class, he used to be just an observer. he didnt participate much and would just sit on my lap. but now, he joins in every activity with much gusto. so so proud of him!

after kindermusik (class ends at 12:15pm), we rushed home, had a quick lunch then cayden and i headed out again to go to romsey rapids for cayden's first little creators class (starts at 1:30pm). it's a once a week (1 hour) arts and craft class. initially, i thought it's free for members. it's not. members get a small discount though (₤4.50per session for non members and ₤3.90 for members). but tantan and i decided to give it a try. if we like it, we'll gladly pay for cayden's fees. if not, at least we got to find out.

when we got there, i was so surprised to learn that cayden was the only pupil booked for the session. i was more shocked to find out that last week, there were no participants (the service is fairly new). i didnt bring cayden because i had kian weighed and the two coincided on the same time slot. it was early days and they are still testing the water. they're hoping to get more kids in and they are devising ways on how to advertise the activity. not all parents are keen on the time and day (but no date/time will ever be the right one for everyone!). plus, the fee kinda makes the parents think twice. imagine the price of membership, then this on top of that!

anyways, despite being the only kid booked, the whole place was set up with the whole shebang! there were lots of activities prepared, cayden didnt know where to begin! there was the water play area, foam table, painting area, plasticine area, crafts table where you can make badges and little penguins. the service is worth every penny! cayden didnt want to go home! i had to entice him with "going to see the swimming pools" but that didnt go well because when we got there, he wanted to swim and didnt want to leave either! tsk tsk!
foam table where they pretended there's snow
cayden choosing the colours he wanted to paint with
my little picasso
baking with his plasticine
little penguin
washing thomas after "ploughing" through some snow
anyways, we're booking cayden in this arts and craft class for as long as it's available. we do hope they get enough participants so it wont be scrapped. imagine messy play + creativity + imagination without the clearing up. win-win!

if you want to book: contact the romsey rapids: 01794 830333



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