Thursday 15 September 2011


happy 7th month, baby! your sweet sweet smile always brightens up our day. you babble a lot and you are very good at imitating the sounds that we make. you have the stranger anxiety but we hope that you'll get over it quickly. you are very clingy to mommy, always crawling to where i am. you even know where to find me when im not in the lounge with you! i hope you'll always feel secure in knowing that mommy will never ever be far from you. i always have "the mommy's eye" on you and kuya, despite being busy with other things.

you now know how to throw tantrums when you dont get your way! remember, those tears wont get you anywhere! lol. still, you're very easy to appease and distract. your first tooth just erupted and we were surprised, though really thankful, that besides the love of gnawing things, you didnt show any other signs. sorry we had to blow your candles a few days late but rest assured that we didnt forget your day. we greeted you and showered you with lots of cuddles and kisses. but we do it everyday so you might not have noticed =D. we've just been very busy as of late. we love you so so much! cant wait to celebrate your 1st birthday, and it's coming up really quick!!

edit: at 7M6D, you weighed exactly 9kg! kuya was 1Y1M old when he weighed that much lol



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