Wednesday 28 September 2011

Oatmeal Cookies

i've alread said too many times that i cringe at the very thought of cooking. it's just not for me. technically, i can cook. but i cant cook TASTY FOOD. and for that reason alone, i try not too. i hate disappointments. not for me but for the one eating my food LOL. so to even think of baking, well, let's not even go there!

my hubby tried guilt-tripping (how he envies us whenever we eat cakes/cookies/sweet little treats and he cant because he's diabetic and there's not a lot of diabetic treats available here in uk) - that didnt work much LOL! he even used the kids to get me to bake. that didnt work either =D. his last resort, to bribe me with a back massage. i agreed because 1) im a sucker for massages and it's too expensive to pay for professional service and 2) he's diabetic so he's used to bland food so it doesnt matter if the snack i'll bake is tasty or not =D

i originally baked him mocha chocolate chip cookies. he liked it. admittedly, it tasted good. that boosted my confidence. and for the longest time, i'd bake him these everytime he requests for treats. well, he tried pushing his luck by requesting me to bake something else. maybe he got sawa na but he had to choose his words carefully, lest i get discouraged to "bake/cook" lol. he bribed me with a foot massage in addition to the back massage. ok, fine. im not that pakipot =D

i used the recipe i found here. the original recipe only included walnuts and raisins but as an added treat, i put in dark diabetic chocolates. they tasted good although i prefer them without walnuts. and i didnt chill the dough (supposedly to make them extra chewy) because we're a little impatient like that! lol

slowly, im feeling more "capable" lol. but i dont think i'm that good enough to let others taste my baked goodies just yet. in time, perhaps =D



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