Saturday 16 July 2011

Roll Over, Kian

i said to myself, "it would really be nice if kian will finally be able to roll over on my birthday". and he did!

kian can turn to his side for a while now but didnt really show any sign of even attempting to roll over until a few days ago. we'd find him doing this:

and then the morning of my birthday, i left him on the floor to do something in the kitchen. and when i came back, he was already on his tummy!!! it was an amazing feeling, seeing your child achieve another milestone in his young life =D. i shouted and it startled him so he turned over his back quickly.

i was trying to record this fete but he wouldnt let me! this is the closest to rolling over that i can record. i had to stop myself from helping him finish the deed! i didnt ok, coz that would be cheating! lol

well done, baby!! it was the best birthday gift ever! oh no, that means we can't leave you just anywhere anymore!



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