Wednesday 6 July 2011

Our Weekdays

my mom is on holiday since last week. she wont be back till the 2nd week of september. so i am now fully in charge of the household. i dont mind doing all the work except for one chore - cooking! yes, i dread that most of all! leave me with a toddler and a baby - easy peasy! cooking - i'll go crazy! seriously, i hate cooking and i envy those that have passion for it. i think about those (would be) missed bonding sessions with the kids over cooking and baking - not =D (we can bond in lots of other ways!)!

anyways, i wake up around 7:30am (or 8 depending on what i'll cook). i cook breakfast, prepare tantan's baon for work and i cook our food for lunch, which will last till dinner. good thing the boys are not picky eaters! i have to have everything ready by 8:30 because tantan has to prepare for work. he has to be out of the house by 9 coz his call time at work is at 9:30am. convenient, huh? he can look after the boys while i do my chores. cayden wakes up at around 7:30am. kian wakes up whenever his kuya wakes him up =D. or if he sensed im not around anymore (which ever comes first! =D).

tantan will feed cayden his breakfast while i bathe kian. then i bathe cayden while kian happily plays by himself. we're usually done by around 9:30am. we watch tv, play with lego, colour cayden's colouring books, attempt to teach cayden his numbers, letters, colours (which he tries to dodge!), feed kian. lunch is served at 12. i put the kids down for a nap at 12:30pm. most of the time (so far), cayden falls asleep quickly. so by around 1-1:30, it's ME time (i surf the net, eat my lunch - i have breakfast so i dont feel hungry yet when i feed cayden - watch tv, wash the dishes). kian will sleep no matter what =D! i just feel annoyed at myself that i couldnt fall asleep when the kids are! but i think the fact that i sleep early at night leaves me with more energy to last the day.

cayden wakes up around 3pm and if lucky, around 4. we play some more, watch tv, video chat with daddy if he's not too busy (mostly one way. cayden just wants to see his dad. tantan carries on with work =D). feed kian. tantan comes home around 6:45. we have dinner. i wash the dishes then take a shower. the kids are put down to sleep at around 9pm. most of the time, i sleep as soon as kian's asleep. but sometimes, i stay up longer to surf the net (just like tonight =D). but i make sure i sleep not later than 12midnight.

so there. nothing toxic. the days are coming along smoothly and relatively relaxed. well, except for when i think of what to cook next! =D


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