Saturday 30 July 2011

Cars Fanatic Part 2

as i said in my previous entry, cayden is gaga over cars. we went to toys r us earlier and he was on a high with all the cars paraphernalia around him. his eyes were all over the place, didnt know where to go first, didnt know what to touch first! even the smallest, farthest cars gadget he could see, he saw with eagle eyes!

i asked tantan if he's scared (me, thinking about cayden and all the stuff he can ask us to buy). tantan said no. i asked why not. he said, "YOU left your wallet at home". lol! true, he can still distract cayden but not me. but lucky him, i left my wallet because we were in a hurry to go out and i thought it was already in my bag!

anyways, here's cayden enjoying his cars experience:
got sidetracked because he saw handy manny's tools (they were bobbing in the box!)
take note of the books he's holding - CARS!
didnt want to leave but tantan "tricked" him

we didnt buy the car because he already has a little tikes coupe car at home and we didnt have space anymore. but he didnt exactly leave empty handed.
couldnt wait! had to open the box in the car =D
he cant have the whole car, but he can at least have the steering wheel! lol!



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