Tuesday 26 July 2011

Dinner Spinner

tantan excitedly showed me this app on his phone,'s dinner spinner. i was instantly impressed, especially since i dont have the patience to cook. i hate menu planning, that's why i leave the cooking to my mom, when she's here. but since she's not (at the moment), this app will be very useful to me. tantan's phone is windows based so i immediately searched my "market" (crossing my fingers and hoping) to see if this app is available to androids. and it is!

this is how it works:

first, you need to choose what type of dish you want to prepare: main dish, appetiser, snacks, breakfast, etc. then you choose what your main ingredients is: pork, beef, veggies, etc. lastly, you choose how much lead time you have (of course, i would choose 20mins or less! im a busy mom!! =D)

for this sample, i chose main dish, beef and prep time of 20mins or less

gives you lots of recipes to choose from
nutritional information and user reviews

how convenient is this?!



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