Wednesday 13 July 2011

Hop Hop Hop!

when we went to the eden project in cornwall back in april, we had so much fun with these hoppers:

tantan and i said if we find something small enough for the kids to play with, we'd buy it. so when we found this hopper while grocery shopping, we bought it immediately, thinking it's what we're looking for. the box is really small, that's why =D. unfortunately, it's not small enough. cayden cant get on it by himself. if he wants to ride it, he would bring it near kian's crib, hold the hopper in place while he uses the side railings of the crib to get on top of the hopper. then he will bounce while holding on to the crib. how smart! no one told him to do it that way.

for now, the hopper's used as a ball to kick around with (most of the time) =D


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