as i've said many times, kian is a very low maintenance baby compared to his older brother. but i think we're partly to blame for cayden's fussiness before. of course, as first time parents, we really didnt have a clue as to how to raise a baby. although my mom guided us, we had to learn most things by ourselves.
with cayden, we were always on our toes. we worried too much with him. it's like cayden commanded us. we were scared of him. so when kian was born, we said we'd correct our mistakes. we knew better. initially, it made me feel guilty - that im not "loving" him as much as i did his older brother just because i dont fuss too much with his every cry. i always tell myself it's also for kian's own good. i have to show him im the boss! =D
because of that, kian doesnt cry much (cayden wasnt a cry baby either but putting him to sleep and feeding got a bit stressful. we had to devise strategies because he liked things done a certain way). kian does not even cry when he's soiled his nappy. he can sleep with a gentle rocking, sometimes, he can soothe himself to sleep. he doesnt need my boobs to fall asleep as cayden did. he sleeps through the night (i
dreamfeed him though). he only gets grumpy when he couldnt sleep in the afternoon because his kuya has been shouting and making so much noise lol. but even that doesnt take long =D
touch wood, i dont jinx it with this post lol
he falls asleep instantly whenever my brother looks after him |
kian sleeps from 9pm until his brother wakes him up the next day =D |
on his bouncer |
while waiting for us to get ready |
while lola's watching her telenovelas |
on the rocking chair
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