Saturday 11 June 2011


watching tv at the same time!

it has been raining on/off for the past couple of weeks (and when it's not, it feels chilly) which means cayden cant go outside, in our backyard, to play. the other day, i was surprised when he placed his sled** on our sofa, with one end on the armrest and slid while saying "slide". i dont know where he got the idea from (not from the shows he watches on tv) but really, i shouldnt be surprised anymore because he's really good at imitating things. he loves experimenting and we actually allow him to (more his dad than me) that sometimes, he thinks he can get away with anything.

** tantan bought a sled last winter, obviously for when it snowed. and the one time it snowed hard (perfect time for sledding), he left the sled in the office!! - it doesnt snow much here where we are. it hasnt served its main purpose yet but cayden has played with it in a lot of ways =D

anyways, i will admit, he still doesnt know his numbers and alphabet. but it's not for lack of trying. everytime i attempt to teach him, he'll feign something (i.e booboo here or there, sleepiness) and will even close his eyes - silly child =D! he'll recite them with assistance but with a lot of prodding. we're not bothered though and we're definitely not in a hurry. he'll learn them in time (he's just 2 for crying out loud!). but what amazes us is his ability to learn things (except academics that is!), everyday things, by just seeing them once. tantan said this is how he wants cayden to be - street smart! he can figure out things easily. he can work around things if the first strategy doesnt work. he also knows how to "subsitute". he's creative and very resourceful.

sorry about the mess, it's around 7pm. cayden has already taken out all his toys lol
kian's imitating his dad (playing with the tongue) but that deserves another post!

so who said you cant have fun if you're stuck indoors? all you need is just a little imagination!

and a little cheekiness!
sorry naman sa pag-overemphasise ng "-ck" sa stuck lol!!


Gracie said... Best Blogger Tips

haha! boys will be boys talaga! so cute ni Cayden!!

Dade's like that, too. maabilidad & mahilig mag-improvise pero not too fond of his ABC's & 123's. ok lang, basta healthy, happy & madiskarte, carry na, di ba? :)

QTbelle said... Best Blogger Tips

mismo, gracie! un din sabi ng mom ko, pag boys daw medyo late.

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