Wednesday 1 June 2011

I'm Back!

i have a really good excuse for not blogging this long. the household has only been quiet for more than a week since i last blogged and that time was spent tidying up. i cant delay blogging anymore - i have lots to tell and if i dont start now, i dont think i'll be able to blog about them anymore.

there's kian's christening. there's cayden's 2nd birthday. and of course, the many adventures we had with our special guests - my sister, youngest brother and nephew! another brother arrived on the 21st of april but he only stayed for 10 days.

to start of, my sibs arrived on the 11th of april. i picked them up by myself at the airport because tantan has work and since my car is just big enough to accomodate my sibs and their luggages, my mom stayed home with the kids. last time i saw them was when we went home to the philippines the previous year. i was really looking forward to their stay and of course, the many pasalubongs and bilins they brought for us!

i already had our I.T for the whole of their stay sorted and planned. we did most of our road trips during weekends when tantan can join us. he just started his new job and couldnt take long breaks yet. fortunately, there were quite a few long weekends so he didnt need to ask for time off beyond what's allowed.

first stop was london (15-16 april). there were loads to see and because we had little kids in tow, i made sure i planned it as laid back as possible. it's challenging because we have a breastfeeding baby with us - we had to follow HIS schedule! fortunately, kian's low maintenance. he slept most of the time =D. we just had to go around his feeding sched and even so, didnt really demand a lot! we stayed the night at our friend's house (thank you, el and merc!) because we didnt want to spend for accomodations (we're cheap like that lol!). they live closer to london and we just parked our car at the tube station and took the undergound train to london. it's quicker like that.

at high barnet tube station
figuring out where to go next
kian's first time in london.
i love his onesie: i ♥ mommy!
on our first day, we went to madame tussaud's. we (me and tantan) were glad that there are new wax figures on display. we've been there countless of times before (accompanying guests) and it gets boring seeing the same thing over and over and over. there's also the 4D show, which we all loved! it was a new experience for everyone except me (i've been to one in NY) and to top it all, it was about super heroes, which my nephew is into!

we also went to st. pancras tube station to see the olympic rings. then to king's cross train station to see platform 9 and 3/4 made famous by harry potter. but to our dismay, that part of the station is under construction and they moved the "scene" to another area and what they did was just printed out a big poster of the wall and attached the trolley to it. it was disappointing as the original one was a real wall!

last stop for the day was at tower bridge

to be continued...


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