Tuesday 1 March 2011

Who Are You Kidding?!

as a backgrounder, you need to pay car/road tax here if you want to drive a car. of course, you also need to be insured and have your car checked annually (MOT) - that is, if said car is more than 3 years old.

tantan's car's road tax expired in december last year. incidentally, his car insurance expired on the 3rd of january. since tantan used to cycled to work, and we have my car to use for errands, we decided to keep his car on the sideline to minimise our expenditures (road tax costs around 235£ annually and his insurance, about 500£+, not to mention petrol prices!). we didnt really use it much ever since tantan started his job locally. we SORN-ed (statutory off road notice) the car, meaning we reported to the governing agency that we're not going to use the car, hence, we're not paying for the road tax. and didnt renew its car insurance. we planned to have it taxed and insured in april, for when my siblings are here as we need a bigger car to accomodate everybody.

anyways, since the car hasnt been used much, the battery died on us. well, tantan actually forgot to start the engine after more than 3 weeks on non-use.

imagine our dismay when we got a letter from DVLA (driving and vehicle licensing agency) telling us that we have to pay a penalty (70£) because it has been reported that we used/kept the car on a public road on the 24th of january at 1:40pm. it also mentioned about court proceedings and bigger penalties, like they're threatening us to pay.

but hey, hey, hey
jan 24 (monday) - tantan was at work and he used my car
again: the car wont start bec the battery's dead
i only drive automatic cars and tantan's car has manual transmission so it cant be me

the car is parked off road, although we're not sure if the agency considers that public (but where else are we supposed to park - we dont have a garage!). but it's OFF ROAD (proper parking area) so they cant really say we are keeping it on a public road!

we wrote back to the agency and still awaiting their reply. our friend said this happened to his friend and he didnt pay. they were perhaps trying to intimidate people and see if they'll just cave in and pay upfront. but but but - they should make sure naman that before they send out letters like that, they have a valid and strong case! they are just wasting their time and their resources (money from the tax WE paid).

anyways, tantan had the car insured again and will be paying for the road tax soon (his insurance is still not appearing on the database so he cant order the road tax online. he doesnt have time to go to the post office to buy it there). he's got a new job and he cant cycle to work anymore, plus, his bike got damaged when he had an accident (will tell in a diff entry) so he's been using my car for the longest time. i cant wait to have my car back! i realised it's really handy when i want to buy something on a whim. or just go out and have some break.

ok, i digress. hopefully, the agency will see their mistake and wont charge us anymore. afterall, we are honest people. we pay our dues and we pay them on time. this is just totally unacceptable!


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