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excited to go to bed each time because of thomas the tank |
ok, it was really our fault, he got so comfy sleeping with us that he didnt really wanna leave. he was breastfed and feeding him was easier since he slept beside me. we know the dangers of co-sleeping but we were very careful. our midwife/gp/health worker reiterated this a number of times but someone also said, do what you think is best for you.
we said when he turns 1, he should be sleeping in his own room already. we bought him a toddler bed (to prepare him for the inevitable) bec he didnt want to sleep in his crib, at all. incidentally, we found out we're pregnant with baby#2 a month after cayden turned one. that gave us the push to train cayden in sleeping in his own room. afterall, when baby 2 arrives, he'll be co-sleeping with me as he would be breastfeeding like cayden did. we had to train him before baby2 arrives so he wouldnt think the baby pushed him out of the bed, out of our room.
unfortunately, after the first few weeks of bliss (a month to be exact), cayden started waking up loads of times in the middle of the night, crying. he would end up in our bed just bec getting up so many times became really exhaustive. we felt that he was like that because he's sensing he wouldnt be an only child anymore and our attention wouldnt be solely his. then he got sick a number of times so he had to stay with us so i can monitor his temperature (he suffers from fibrile convulsion).
a few weeks before kian was born, we said we'd train cayden once again. this time, the daddy will stay in his room (sleeping on the sofa bed). it also gave me the chance to get plenty of rest before i tackle the sleepless nights again. at first he would cry and would try to settle in our bed. but after a few days, he knows where he should sleep already. we dont need to lie down beside him. we just keep him company - him on his bed, us on the sofa bed. no need to tap him nor sing him to sleep. but he has to touch his nipples to go to sleep! lol. he's also sleeping through the night. yey!
this is his sleeping routine:
(Naptime) is between 1-2pm, he would ask for his milk and we'll say "nyt na" (for goodnight - he associates goodnight to sleeping). he would then initiate going up the stairs (or we'll ask him to follow us to go upstairs). he'll go to his room and settle in his bed. sometimes if he gets distracted, he'll play a little first. he will then sleep for about 2-3 hours.
(Bedtime) is between 8:30-9:00pm. after cleaning, brushing his teeth, he'll kiss us all and say "nyt". he'll go to his room with his daddy and they'll read a book. he'll then sleep while drinking milk. he'll wake up around 7:30am the next day.
tantan is still sleeping in cayden's room. cayden can sleep in his room alone during the day but we havent tried leaving him at night. tantan chose to stay in cayden's room bec he's scared of squishing kian in our bed. it's fine with me as im spared of his loud snoring! =D
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kian is just 5 weeks here! |
kian is co-sleeping with me. at 5 weeks, he only feeds twice overnight, would let me sleep bet 4-5 hours in between feeds. unfortunately, i got used to waking up every 2-3 hours so even if i want to sleep longer, my body automatically wakes up. sometimes i'll try to feed kian, but he'll refuse.
during the day however is a different story. he used to be able to soothe himself to sleep. after breastfeeding, before he completely falls asleep, i lay him down in his crib and wait for him to doze off by himself. it worked until my mom (the lola) started picking him up everytime he cries. nasasanay sa karga! my mom and i would argue at times but i have to insist otherwise, it will be very difficult putting kian to sleep if he gets so used to being carried or rocked.
i have also recently discovered the wonders of a pacifier! cayden didnt use one and im actually apprehensive of letting kian use one. but i've read that babies need something to soothe themselves and they usually do it by sucking. i didnt want him to be attached to my breast all the time so i said i'd try. well, whatdyaknow? he falls asleep really easily! but i only really let him suck on it at night.
i will feed him around 9pm and lay him down. i'll give his dummy and he'll doze off really quickly. his next feed will be between 1-2am. then between 5-6am. kian is proving to be an easier baby than cayden. but i think it's because we already know what to expect and what to do. we're trying to do things differently although admittedly, i feel guilty at times thinking im not giving kian the same comforts i gave cayden. but it's not true. we're not loving him any less. we're just not spoiling him as much as kuya and it's really for his own good.
oh well, in 3 week's time, kian will be 2 months old and in less than 2 months, cayden will turn 2y/o. my babies are growing up fast!
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