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EDD: 12 Feb 2011 Credits: Shabby Princess Gabby Badge Album |
it's funny that just a few years ago, you would hear me say "im not gonna have any kids". and then when we had cayden (well, just after giving birth, ie birth pains!), i said one is enough. but after some thought, we decided to have another one. some asked, why so soon. well, for one, im in my 30's already. tantan and i want to enjoy our kids while we're still young. 2ndly, we still remember doing baby stuff so it's like a case of striking while the iron is still hot. anyways, when i give birth, cayden will be almost 2 (22 months to be exact) so it's still a fairly reasonable gap (we were originally aiming for a 3-yr gap).
i found out im pregnant on the 1st day i missed my period. even before i took the pregnancy test, i already knew - felt, more like it. but compared to my first one, this has been more difficult. to start with, i have been having cramps, which i didnt have with cayden (cayden was all smooth sailing!). and then on my 5th week, i spotted. i had to go to A&E (accidents and emergencies). the doctors there were really helpful - not! all they were saying was "if you're going to miscarry, you will miscarry... nothing can stop that". how encouraging d ba?! i was referred to the early pregnancy unit to have a scan - a week after. so imagine the anticipation and anxiety of waiting. fortunately, baby has strong heartbeat. but they also found out i have a subchorionic bleed, that caused the spotting. the doctor said there's nothing to worry about bec it will be absorbed (by the placenta?) eventually. good thing my bestfriend is a doctor and his wife is an OB/GYNE. i asked about it and she calmed my nerves. but it's something that should be monitored.
i have 2 scans after that (1 private scan at 8 weeks and the routine dating scan here at 12 weeks). both showed that i still have the bleed. at around 14weeks, i had another episode of spotting which lasted for 4 days. scary, huh? next week, i will have my anomaly scan so i will ask the sonographer to have a look at the bleed as well, if it's still there. hopefully, it's been absorbed or at least shrunk.
that aside, my pregnancy has been relatively easy compared to what most pregnant ladies experience. but compared with my first one, this is more difficult. for the whole 1st trim (12-14 weeks), i felt nauseous all the time. i was stuck in bed (if im not at work) for most part of it. no vomiting though, which im really thankful for. i just felt dizzy and tired all the time but i guess, my blood pressure has something to do with it. it's at an all time low - 84/54 and it doesnt go higher than that. i guess that's better than having high blood pressure. im really grateful that my mom's here to look after the little boy as i dont think i would have coped with being pregnant and being a mommy to a very active toddler.
anyways, i am on my 19th week already. i still feel dizzy at times and i still feel tired all the time (usually later in the day). i am always out of breath. the bright side, i can feel the baby move and just like cayden before, baby #2 is very active! we dont know the gender yet but we'll definitely ask. im hoping it's a boy just because cayden still has lots of clothes and most of it are only worn a few times. then there's the hand-me-downs from my nephews, which were only worn a few times too. but, im wishing it's a girl so i can have my own baby doll =D. but whatever, as long as it's healthy it wont matter.
2 is MY limit. boy or girl, we're only having 2. never say never but really, 2 is plenty enough!
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