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photo from beyondmedicine.co.uk |
(fast forward to the present)
second day into breastfeeding kian, i felt a lump on my right breast. it didnt worry me at first because i am breastfeeding and it could just be some blocked ducts. i did some reading and followed everything that was advised - hot compress, massage, etc. even after doing everything that's listed, it didnt go away. 3, 4 weeks have passed, it's still there.
then i started worrying. for one, i have a very close friend who had a brush with breast cancer recently (fortunately, it was in it's earliest stage, didnt even make it to stage one) and had radiotherapy treatment after having the lump removed. secondly, it's not movable like the one on my left breast and it's not painful (which could easily have been mastitis or blocked duct). i did some research again, in case i missed something, i read that blocked ducts or mastitis should resolve within 2 weeks. i can still feel it on the 5th week!
i went to see my gp. she felt my breasts and armpits. she wasnt worried because she said it's likely to be just a blocked duct and will eventually go away by itself. the lump on my left breast, she said it's been there ages and didnt change so she said she wouldnt start worrying about it. still, she referred me to the breast clinic.
last thursday, i had the breast ultrasound (mammogram not advisable as that would just squeeze the milk out!). it was a doctor who did the scan (im not sure about her specialty) and she said she did not see anything worrying; even with my (true) lump.
earlier this afternoon was my appointment with a male specialist (who looks like Philip Seymour Hoffman!). i waited for more than an hour to be seen in less than 5 minutes! i was ushered in a room, asked to take my top off including my bra and to wear hospital gown. waited again for the consultant. when he came, he just felt my breasts and confirmed what the other doctor said - that there's nothing to worry about. the breast is just probably working hard in producing milk. for the proper lump, he said it's most likely benign bec it's been there ages already and im still ok. i wanted to complain about the wait but im too grateful to do that! i'd rather that than be seen for longer which would mean something's seriously wrong, right?
anyways, im really thankful that there's nothing to worry about. i thought, better be paranoid than leaving it till there's no more hope. so ladies, always be wary of your bodies. any concerns, no matter how trivial, see a doctor! better safe than sorry!
whew! that's a relief! ayan, napa-self breast check tuloy ako.
yup, dapat mag self check tayo regularly! always better safe than sorry =D
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