Wednesday 12 January 2011

Ain't Over Yet

cayden's appetite is back! it's so good to hear him say "ah, ah, ah" (asking for another bite =D) again. his milk intake is also improving, probably consuming 2/3 of what he used to.

but just when we thought we're on the road to recovery, we hit another bump. well, i've been unwell too. been coughing hard and have a really nasty cold (had them before cayden was admitted in hospital and mingled with the 2 swine flu patients). i lost my voice and got it back a week after.

after 2 weeks of coughing, my left side started to ache. like i cant lie on that side and coughing has become very very painful. to top it all, i noticed some chicken pox-like spots on cayden's body. we went to our GP last monday and lo and behold, she said i've been wheezing like mad! she gave me some antibiotics (amoxycillin) and a puffer (ventolin evohaler), both she said are safe for pregnant ladies. she signed me off work for a week, which she can extend if my condition doesnt improve. fortunately, this is my 3rd day of treatment and my condition is improving. i havent been coughing as much and breathing is not as difficult.

my current bestfriend!
she also confirmed that cayden has chicken pox. he was given a calamine lotion to help with the itch. he was told not to go anywhere for a week (obviously!). he's ok. no fever or whatever the other symptoms are. he just itches from time to time.

maybe these are all blessings in disguise. all these happening before kian is born (you know how fragile newborns are!). and also, me being signed off work for a week. i dont really know how we would have coped because i dont have any annual leaves left and i have to stay home to look after cayden.

hopefully, though, this is the end of our bumpy health road. looking forward to nicer things in february!


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