Monday 5 September 2011


we were supposed to go swimming at the romsey rapids saturday afternoon but werent able to go because the kids and i overslept. tantan didnt wake us up coz he didnt want to disturb our nap. yes, the pool is open till 6pm (we woke up at 4:30) but the membership office is only open till 4:30 (saturday) and they're closed on a sunday.

wait, what membership? i have mentioned a few posts ago about us joining a health club. aside from going swimming, we were supposed to pay for the health club membership (family membership: 2 adults and kids, yes, no limit on the number of kids as long as they're your own). that would have covered the use of their pool. but since the office is already closed, we didnt go. no point paying separately when we can have unlimited access by joining.

anyways, why this health club? main reason is, they have creche (unlimited use). so while the adults are working out or attending classes, there's someone who'll look after the kids. and there will be activities set for them as well as exposing them to other kids. nice no?

the others are just bonus:
- unlimited use of the pool, sauna, gym, studio, spa
- discounts in swimming (the kids are enrolled here), tennis (which we plan for the kids to take), etc lessons
- you can go to affiliate sites, which offer the same facilities with other extras (use of tennis, badminton, netball, basketball courts), softplay for kids (bouncy castles, etc)
- lake side activities (boating, golf)
- no price increase even after several years. it's like you lock the price (not guaranteed though but they've been practicing this for the longest time and they dont see that changing anytime soon)

and if you pay for the whole year in one go, you dont have to pay the start up fee.

since tantan's working and wont get home in time to catch the membership office open, we'll be waiting till next saturday before we can join. just as well because my mom's arriving next week and she'll be enrolling too. we'll all start at around the same time. but we promised the kids will go there first thing so we can go swimming as promised before picking my mom up at the airport. but for now, this kept them happy:



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